Com­pet­ence Centre for Sus­tain­able En­ergy Tech­no­logy (KET)

100% renewable energy systems - interconnected and adapted to regional characteristics - are the key to a comprehensive energy transition.

We are researching cross-sector concepts, systems and components in order to realize the energy transition in the electricity, heating, industrial and mobility sectors. Energy efficiency, sector coupling as well as storage technologies and load management are the means for us to integrate renewable energies into all sectors across the board. Our solutions are geared towards local conditions in the context of interregional and global energy systems.

As a Central Scientific Institution at Paderborn University, we bundle interdisciplinary energy technology expertise for sophisticated cross-cutting research. We impart comprehensive skills for the holistic design of the energy transition through educational programs tailored to specific target groups.

We are a strong local partner for the energy transition and help to ensure that our region serves as a national and international role model for a successful energy transition.

Chairs and de­part­ments com­pris­ing KET

Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering



SHK/WHB ge­sucht!

Das KET sucht studentische Verstärkung zur Unterstützung der Marketing- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Alles weitere findet Ihr in der Stellenausschreiben.
